- This extension is used to interface a microbit to an ADS1115 analog-to-digital converter over the I2C bus. The ADC is widely available as a small board.
- The ADS1115 has 4 channels and the FSR (Full Scale Range) can be programmed to a number of values. Typically we would use the 4.096V range, since the microbit’s supply voltage, VDD, is restricted to 3.6V (and the ADC’s inputs should not exceed VDD).
- At present the extension allows only single-ended measurements (between ADC pins A0-3 and GND). Also conversions are performed on demand - when you call the readADC() function.
- You can have up to 8 ADC devices on the bus, and their addresses are determined by wiring ADC pins to various signals (see datasheet). The extension has a function to set each decvice’s address (which defaults to 0x48).
Use as Extension
This repository can be added as an extension in MakeCode.
- open
- click on New Project
- click on Extensions under the gearwheel menu
- search for and import